So in case you missed this already (which I can imagine you have since it's only 9am on a glorious July 4th Monday where you don't have to get up early and slave over a hot PC and reddit your hours away while attempting to look like you're working), I have another story up on You can click the cover picture below and go straight to the page where you can purchase it for the measly amount of $0.99. I know you're thrilled!
I know a lot of you bought my last story, and I'm hoping you will continue to read not only my work but also some of the other cheap stories on amazon and other sites. This isn't really just about supporting your relatives, it's also about tapping into the resources of the thousands like me who don't have the connections or money to publish in the classic fashion (in an industry that has been losing money since the 90's and even more so now that the Kindle and other devices are about). The best part about the Direct-to-Reader publishing is that it cuts out the money pit that is distribution and advertising, but these are also the drawbacks. So I have to depend on myself and you, my friends, to read this story (or even the first one) and tell your friends about it.
So if you plan to purchase, have purchased, or thought about purchasing my story, I thank you honestly from the bottom of my heart. I only ask that you read it and review it on Amazon to help get it's rating up and get it noticed by strangers who don't know who I am. I know it's kind of a pain but it honestly can't take more than ten minutes to write what you thought about the story you just read.
Also, my plan is to publish a collection of short stories in the near future, probably for about $10. This will include at least 7 previously unpublished works as well as some published that are about to be deleted from the websites they are hosted on (not my decision).
I'm also working on a novel idea that has me in it's grips right now. For the first time I don't think I can NOT write the thing. Hopefully I'll have it out by the end of the year, but no promises.
That's it for today. Thanks again for your continued support and love.